Andrew Baxter

All Australians deserve a better financial future

Our mission is clear


At our core DNA, we believe that all Australians deserve a better financial future.

The World of Investing has changed forever, leaving behind an entire generation of everyday people who want to win the Money Game but have only had access to a game plan that no longer works.What happens next – people either do nothing or worse, take unnecessary risks as they try and get ahead – you and I both know how that ends…

So what can you do right now, to tilt the odds back in your favour, learn more about making your money grow and give yourself the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have your finances under control.

The recent Banking Royal Commission confirmed that the Traditional Financial Planning Model is (broken both morally and in terms of client service) or (Morally Wrong and Financially Flawed).  If you think you deserve better than this, contact us right now and let us help you create tomorrow’s wealth today.

Wealth Magnet is staffed by a team of industry experts, that not only have the runs on the board, when it comes to results, but also have the skills to be able to teach you along the way, how to best manage your money.

What’s more we are privately owned and 100% independent, meaning the products and advice we provide is 100% based on what is going to work for you, not what “Head Office is making us sell today”.

Register now for a free consult.

Still not sure?

Then take the challenge.  What are your top 3 financial challenges right now?  Take a 30 minute consult and lets see if we can get you a game plan that will help you right now…